1. MOSbius Platform for MOS Circuit Labs#

The MOSbius platform offers the MOSbius chip, an adapter PCB to place the chip on a solderless breadboard, and software tools to program the chip and process the measurement results. An LTspice library is also provided to run circuit simulations. The platform allows the (student) designer to experiment with and learn about MOS circuits in a uniquely hands-on environment.

1.1. MOSbius Chip#

1.1.1. Description#


Fig. 1.1 Schematic of the MOSbius chip; pin numbers correspond to the numbering in the shift-register bitstream and the PCB labels#

  • The MOSbius chip is fabricated in a foundry 65nm CMOS technology and uses nMOS and pMOS thick-oxide transistors, i.e. the 2.5V I/O devices. It’s packaged in a 68-pin PLCC package.

  • The max. supply voltage \(V_{DD}\) is 2.5V. When the chip is in use, the supply should always be provided for ESD protection.

  • Device sizing: The ‘unit’ nMOS and pMOS have been sized to operate with an overdrive voltage \((V_{GS}-V_{TH})\) of 200mV for a drain-source current \(I_{DS}\) of 100\(\mu\)A.

    • The unit nMOS has a (W/L) of 16 and dimensions 8\(\mu\)m/0.5\(\mu\)m, laid out with 2 fingers

    • The unit pMOS has a (W/L) of 48 and dimensions 24\(\mu\)m/0.5\(\mu\)m, laid out with 6 fingers

    • These devices are marked as size 1 on the schematic; the sizes of other transistors are shown as multiples of the unit devices; they are laid out with the same finger size but the appropriate number of fingers.

  • Device configurations

    • nMOS

      • nMOS pair of size 1, with body connected to VSS

      • deep-nWell nMOS pair of size 4, with their common body terminal brought out to a pin

    • nMOS current mirrors

      • 1 : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 nMOS current mirror with grounded sources and bodies

      • 1 : 1 nMOS current mirror with grounded sources and bodies

    • nMOS common-source pair

      • common-source nMOS transistor pair of size 4 with grounded bodies

    • pMOS

      • pMOS pair of size 1, with body connected to VDD

      • nWell pMOS pair of size 4, with their common body terminal brought out to a pin

    • pMOS current mirrors

      • 1 : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 pMOS current mirror with sources and bodies connected to VDD

      • 1 : 1 pMOS current mirror with sources and bodies connected to VDD

    • pMOS common-source pair

      • common-source pMOS transistor pair of size 4 with bodies connected to VDD

    • Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs)

      • one-stage, nMOS-input, load-compensated OTA

      • one-stage, pMOS-input, load-compensated OTA

      • The OTAs are biased through the current mirror with a 2x device

    • nMOS/pMOS stacks

      • two nMOS/pMOS stacked devices of size 16

  • The EN pin

    • The pin is pulled down to \(V_{SS}\) with an internal pull-down resistor.

      • When EN is LOW, the on-chip switch matrix disabled; the chip can be used without digitally programming the switch matrix.

    • The pin can be externally pulled up to \(V_{DD}\) to enable the switch matrix (see below).

      • When EN is HIGH, the on-chip switch matrix connects devices according to the bit pattern streamed into the on-chip memory through the digital serial interface.

  • ESD series resistors

    • To meet ESD requirements series resistors have been inserted between the device terminals and the chip pads; the resistor size depends on the transistor size: 50\(\Omega\) for the 1x device, 25\(\Omega\) for the 1x device, and 12.5\(\Omega\) for the 4x and larger devices.

1.1.2. On-Chip Switch Matrix#

  • The chip can be used without using the switch matrix; if the EN signal is left disconnected[1] or kept LOW, all switches remain open. All devices are hardwired to the chip pins and circuits can be constructed using external connections.

  • Switch matrix and buses

    • There is a 65x10 switch matrix than can connect each of the 63 transistor-terminal pins and the VDD and VSS to 10 buses on the chip to build circuits without requiring external wiring.

    • Through the serial interface pins DATA and CLK a digital bit stream can be read into the on-chip memory while EN is LOW; after asserting EN to HIGH, the respective 15\(\Omega\) transmission-gate switches are activated.

Programming the On-Chip Memory for the Switch Matrix#

  • The on-chip memory is configured as a shift register with 650 stages

  • On every ‘falling’ edge of the CLK a data bit from DATA is read in

  • To program the connections:

    • Put EN to LOW

    • Stream in 650 bits via DATA and CLK

      • bit 1 sets the connection between BUS1 and pin TBD

      • bit 2 sets the connection between BUS1 and pin TBD

      • and so on

      • bit 66 sets the connection between BUS2 and pin TBD

      • bit 67 sets the connection between BUS2 and pin TBD

      • and so on for the remaining pins and remaining BUS3 through BUS10

    • Put EN to HIGH to activate the switches

Generating the Bitstream#

The chip can be programmed using the MOSbiusTools.

1.2. MOSbius Test PCB#

1.2.1. Description#

The MOSbius PCB is a ‘breakout’ board that allows to connect the chip to a standard solderless breadboard. All the pins of the chip are routed to pins on the breadboard so that external connections and external components can be connected to the circuit.


Fig. 1.2 3D Render of the MOSbius chip on the MOSbius break-out PCB inserted in a solderless breadboard.#

Schematic and PCB Silk/Labels, PCB Top Wires, PCB Bottom Wires

1.2.2. Using the PCB#

  • Inserting the MOSbius Chip:

    • The chip is inserted in the socket. Pin 1 is in the upper left corner of the socket.

  • Power Supply:

    • The MOSbius chip always needs to be powered by 2.5V to reverse bias the pad ESD protection diodes. All GND on the PCB are connected, but make sure to connect it correctly to your external power supply.

    • You can apply a 2.5V supply to the V+ pin on the top of the PCB; the PCB contains a protection circuit against supply voltages larger than 2.5V. The power supply is connected to the breadboard power rails as well. The 2.5V supply can be supplied from there also.

    • Or you can use the LDO regulator[2] on the PCB to convert an input voltage LDOI between 2.7V and 5.5V to 2.5V. In that case place a jumper between LDOO and V+. You can obtain the ‘Power Good’ logic signal with a jumper on LDO_PG and measuring the voltage, but this is not required.

    • The red power LED indicates that 2.5V is applied to the chip. The PCB also contains supply decoupling.

  • nMOS and pMOS Current Mirror Bias:

    • The 25K potentiometer on the top, close to I_REFP can be used to bias the pMOS current mirror. Connect a current meter across I_REFP with the positive lead on the left and the negative lead on the right side of the header; adjust the potentiometer for the desired current and then replace the current meter with a jumper. The left terminal of the I_REFP header is connected to pin 68 of the Mobius chip.

    • Similarly, the 25K potentiometer on the left, close to I_REFN can be used to bias the nMOS current mirror. Connect a current meter across I_REFN with the positive lead on the left and the negative lead on the right side of the header; adjust the potentiometer for the desired current and then replace the current meter with a jumper. The left terminal of the I_REFN header is connected to pin 19 of the Mobius chip.

  • Digital Interface Level Conversion:

    • The PCB contains resistive dividers to convert 3.3V logic signals to 2.5V logic signals compatible with the MOSbius chip.

    • Connect the DATA, CLK, and EN from your 3.3V digital signal source to the respective headers DT, CK and EN on the top of the PCB.

    • The 2.5V logic signals will appear on the right side on of the header in the upper left corner of the PCB. Place a jumper to connect the DT, CK and EN to the chip. The left side of the header is connected to the MOSbius chip pins 3, 2, 1 respectively.

    • The blue, yellow and green LED’s will light up when you send the digital DT, CLK and EN signals to the chip: .

  • Manual Enable:

    • If you want to control EN manually, then connect a jumper to connect EM to the chip; if you then connect a jumper at EM_PU, EN at the chip will go high enabling the switch matrix and the orange LED will light up; if you leave the EM_PU jumper open, EN at the chip will stay low and the on-chip switches in the switch matrix will remain open.

1.2.3. Testing the PCB Before Use#

See Testing the PCB

1.3. Testbench#

The MOSbius chip can be measured using standard test equipment on a typical student lab bench.

We recommend the use of USB-based instrumentation since it allows the student to do the experiments in their dorm room or at home. For many of the experiment demonstrations shown here we use the ADALM 2000 Active Learning Module, but other modules can be used as well.