9.3. ADALM2000 Notes#
9.3.1. Links#
Product Page
Some Electrical Specifications:
9.3.2. Oscilloscope#
12bit 100Msps ADCs with 25MHz BW
\(Z_{in}\) = 1M \(\Omega\) || 30pF
Two Ranges:
+/- 2.5V
LSB \(\geq\) 5000/4096 = 1.2mV
(ideal mapping of input range to ADC input range assumed, TBC)
+/- 25V
LSB \(\geq\) 50000/4096 = 12.2mV
(ideal mapping of input range to ADC input range assumed, TBC)
9.3.3. AWG#
12bit 150Msps DACs with 30MHz BW
LSB \(\geq\) 10/4096 = 2.4mV
(ideal mapping of output range to DAC output range assumed, TBC)
\(Z_{out}\) = 50 \(\Omega\)
9.3.4. Power Source#
0V to 5V
-5V to 0V