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Welcome to the MOSbius Project
1. MOSbius Platform for MOS Circuit Labs
2. Demonstrations with the MOSbius Chip
2.1. First Experiment: Blinky
2.2. Ring Oscillator Experiments
2.3. Operational Transconductance Amplifier Experiments
2.3.1. Two-Stage Miller-Compensated OTA with pMOS Input Stage
2.4. Transistor I-V Characteristics
Plotting nMOS I-V Data and Simulations
Plotting pMOS I-V Data and Simulations
3. Lab Experiments Manual
3.1. Labs
3.1.1. Lab 1: Basic Measurements
3.1.2. Lab 2: Current Mirrors
3.1.3. Lab 3: Differential Pair DC Response
3.1.4. Lab 4: Differential Pair AC Response
3.1.5. Lab 5: One-stage OTA and Common-Source Amplifier
3.1.6. Lab 6: Frequency Compensation of a Two-Stage OTA
3.2. Solutions
4. Programming the Chip Using the MOSBiusTools
5. Spice Simulations
6. How to Order a MOSbius
7. The MOSbius Crew
8. Acknowledgments
9. Appendices
9.1. Testing Your MOSbius PCB
9.2. MOSbius Chip Design Details
9.3. ADALM2000 Notes
Open issue
9.1. Testing Your MOSbius PCB
9.2. MOSbius Chip Design Details
9.3. ADALM2000 Notes